The Society wishes a long, happy and healthy retirement to the following members.
Last Name | First Name | Company |
Barron | Patricia | Bruce Power |
Davis-Talkachoff | Karen | OPG |
Haslehurst | Bruce | OPG |
Kelly | Thomas | Hydro One |
La Macchia | John | Hydro One |
Liu | Alexander | OPG |
Longmire | Daniel | OPG |
May | Shelagh | OPG |
McTeer | Willy | Hydro One |
Moore | Tom | OPG |
Naherne | Gregory | Bruce Power |
Nema | Pravin | Bruce Power |
North | Harold | OPG |
Ohri | Anshula | OEB |
Rankine | Dave | OPG |
Robertson | Lesley | Bruce Power |
Robinson | Doreen | OEB |
Rosario | Rasu | OPG |
Runnings | Pat | New Horizon |
Simmons | Graham | OPG |
Smith | Paul | OPG |
Svarovsky | Gene | OPG |
Terwilligar | Shari | Inergi CSO |
Wingerak | Jim | OPG |