Do you know an outstanding member, elected representative or leader who is a member of The Society of United Professionals? Would you like to see them recognized for their hard work? Well then, why not nominate them for one of Electricity Human Resources Canadas 2016 Awards of Excellence?
The winners of these Awards will be announced at EHRCs 2016 Awards of Excellence Luncheon being held December 8 in Toronto. Award recipients will be honoured in front of their peers, and given proper recognition for their outstanding achievements and significant contribution to their organization
Award categories include:
- Leader of the Year Award
- Emerging Leader Award
- Innovation in HR Practices Educational or Training Institution
- Innovation in HR Practices Employer
- Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Champion
Nominations are now open and will be accepted until June 30, 2016.
Please note: not all categories may be awarded.
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