The Society of United Professionals is committed to sharing its expert knowledge and insight into current events related to energy, labour and the communities in which its members live and work.


March 8: The Society of Energy Professionals is now the Society of United Professionals


November 29: Energy professionals denounce call for hydro privatization

October 26: LTEP’s re-commitment to Pickering 2024 good news for Ontario

August 8: End secret power deals, say energy professionals


November 30: Legal Aid articling students vote to unionize with Society of United Professionals

October 3: Legal Aid Ontario Thwarts Democracy by Refusing to Open Ballot Box at OLRB

August 24: Major breakthrough in Legal Aid lawyers’ campaign for collective bargaining rights

August 3: Legal Aid Lawyers Demand Union Rights Outside Posh Liberal Fundraiser

July 29: Legal Aid lawyers: Ontario must end unconstitutional union prohibition

July 28: Labour Minister’s office faces picket over Legal Aid lawyers’ rights in wake of new report

July 20: Premier Wynne’s office to face picket over Legal Aid lawyers’ rights

April 21: Toronto Hydro workers voted 98% for strike, will stage information picket

March 11: From Coal to Solar: Energy Professionals applaud OPG’s low carbon transition at Nanticoke

February 2: Society of United Professionals statement on retirement of Bruce Power CEO Duncan Hawthorne

January 11: OPG Darlington Refurbishment Good News for Stable Electricity Prices, the Economy and Ontario’s Climate Change Ambitions


December 3: Amended Bruce Power Agreement Good News for Stable Electricity Prices, the Economy and Ontario’s Climate Change Ambitions

June 4: Legal Aid Ontario Failing to Respect Lawyers’ Charter Rights

April 14: Energy Professionals welcome Premier’s cap and trade plan

January 22: 74% support for keeping hydro public in Sudbury as new ad campaign launches

January 16: Legal Aid Ontario lawyers welcome Supreme Court of Canada decision on RCMP collective bargaining


November 14: Society of United Professionals respond to Clark report

March 19: Society of United Professionals increase ownership in Bruce Power

March 7: Energy professionals welcome new leadership at OPG, Hydro One

January 31: Energy Professionals Welcome Bruce Power Partnership Restructuring


December 2: Long-Term Energy Plan is low-voltage, say energy professionals

November 27: Legal Aid Ontario Lawyers Joined by OFL Convention Delegates to Demand an End to Discrimination at LAO

November 15: Energy professionals laud Wynne government’s Thunder Bay biomass conversion

October 28: Society of United Professionals congratulates Energy Minister Chiarelli for protecting Ontario jobs

October 18: Lawyers Hold Rally as Frustration with Legal Aid Ontario Grows

October 17: Frustrated Legal Aid Lawyers Protest Discrimination At Board Meeting

October 16: Union leaders host forum to put income inequality on the agenda

October 10: Have we learned nothing from the gas plant fiasco?

October 8: The Society of United Professionals Respond to Auditor General’s Gas Plant Report

September 24: Seeking Justice: Legal Aid Lawyers Launch Campaign for Workplace Equality

September 23: Media Advisory – Legal Aid lawyers calling for equal access to collective bargaining rights

January 10: Decision to close Lambton and Nanticoke will cost taxpayers dearly



November 2: Reaction to Government halting conversion of Thunder Bay coal plant

September 24: Cost of relocating Oakville power plant will be much more than $40 million

July 11: Energy Professionals: True Cost Plant of Gas Plant Flip-Flops Well Over $180 Million

May 4: Energy Professionals Response to Federal Government Approval of Darlington Nuclear Environmental Assessment

March 28: Energy Professionals Response to Duncan Budget

February 15: Energy Professionals response to Drummond Recommendations



December 16: Energy professionals: McGuinty government shooting itself in the foot