When one of their own found themselves in need Bruce Power Local members rallied to help. Bruce Power Local executives and members donated 18 days of vacation to one of the Locals members who was coping with a family issue. The member needed significantly more time off than what their vacation entitlement afforded them.
The Bruce Local members responded generously. The donated vacation time allowed the member to focus on resolving their family crisis without resorting to taking a leave of absence which would have left them without benefits and pay for the period of time they needed to be away from work.
The members who donated their vacation asked not to be recognized publicly for their kindness, saying that they believed it was just doing the right thing for a friend, Society sister/brother and co-worker.
The Bruce Local Executive sincerely thanked the members who donated to this worthy cause. The Bruce Local Executive also wanted this good news story to be widely broadcast to punctuate that as union members are capable of helping our Sisters and Brothers when they are in need.
There are many different ways we can show solidarity and help each other when people dont know where else to turn, said LVP Mike Gade. We need to celebrate our good news stories whenever we can and this members coming together in a time of need is definitely a good news story.
Submitted by: Jeff Cronin, Unit Director, Bruce Power Local